最近开始做毕设了,着手的地方是构建docker image的环节,于是尝试过各种build docker image的奇技淫巧,其中有一种是比较实用的技巧,其思想很简单,就是把构建分成两步,第一步是先构建出需要的二进制,第二步是把二进制打包进image中。
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/dyweb/Ayi\
-e GOPATH=/go:/go/src/github.com/dyweb/Ayi/Godeps/_workspace\
golang:1.5.3 sh -c \
"cd /go/src/github.com/dyweb/Ayi && go build ."
Dapper is a tool to wrap any existing build tool in an consistent environment. This allows people to build your software from source or modify it without worry about setting up a build environment. The approach is very simple and taken from a common pattern that has adopted by many open source projects. Create a file called Dockerfile.dapper in the root of your repository. Dapper will build that Dockerfile and then execute a container based off of the resulting image. Dapper will also copy in source files and copy out resulting artifacts or will use bind mounting if you choose.
$ go build .
$ ./dapper
试试看,看看会输出什么内容,如果你在OS X下而且是使用bind的模式,就会发现./dapper会在执行完一次后就不能用了,因为dapper已经被resulting artifacts覆盖了,是linux format的binary了。